What Is The Humpomatic?

Why was it invented? What does it do? Why did you name it the Humpomatic?

The Humpomatic was conceived in March, 2006 while at a chiropractic screening. While there are many screening tools for chiropractors, they all use either very low tech “string” devices, (see the the SAM unit) or use dubious technology to prove their point(s).

What does it do?

The Humpomatic detects Forward Head Posture and flexion dominant postures, as well.
One of the most common postural problems we encounter here is forward head posture, aka anterior head carriage. Ideally, the head should sit directly on the shoulders and neck, much like a golf ball on a tee. Holding the head forward puts strain on the muscles of the neck and upper back.

Why did you name it the Humpomatic?

Simple in its design, it is comprised of three lasers that project a vertical beam. Each beam is aligned with three different anatomical landmark, and the difference between them is measured. A difference of 1 inch or more probably indicates a biomechanical problem. Literature indicates that for each inch of forward head posture, the neck musculature has to carry an increased load of 10 pounds, resulting in muscle hypertrophy or a “hump:.. hence the machine’s namesake. But why is it the Humpomatic? Well, when YOU invent something, YOU get to name it whatever YOU want to! (So there.)
The Humpomatic is now in its fifth revision, and probably will go through another series of refinements, until it is going to be applied for patent rights.

Some revisions that need to be made are to put the lasers on a uniplanar slide, to eliminate penumbra error, equal to the sine of the angle of difference.

Thus far, it has been shown to be a very effective means of showing patients their biomechanical issues.

1. John Lennon, BM, MM et al. Postural and Respiratory Modulation of the Autonominc Function, Pain, & Health AJPM Volume 4, Number 1, January 1994
2. Gore DR, Sepic SB Gardner GM, Roentgenographic findings of the cervical spine in asymptomatic people. Spine, 1986; 6:591-694
3. Caillet R Low back Pain Syndrome. Philadelphia: FA Davis Co. 1981
Humpomatic lines- parallels The Humpomatic, version 5, by Dr. Peter Carr The lines the Humpomatic creates. The Humpomatic itself. .